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We are all brave until we realize the cockroach has wings
Cockroach Control Service

Cockroaches are most common crawling house hold pest found in India. Not only have they contaminated food and utensils resulting in spreading disease like diarrhea, dysentery, food poisonings and asthma. They also have a nuisance value. We offer anti cockroach treatment & cockroach control with electronic control service which comprises:

Single Service:-

  • This service is done only once that too without any warranty.

Annual Maintenance Contract:-

  • Under this service pest control cockroach service is provided four times a year at an interval of three months.
  • Customers availing our annual maintenance contract will get warranty coverage for one year.
  • We provide efficacy complain service to our clients within 24 hours.

The way we used to control our service apart from the above one by means of using, gel and sprays. We used to apply gels and sprays at the harbourage such as cracks and crevices which not only kills cockroaches but also red and black ants.